Of all the users on the roads at a given time, pedestrians by far face the greatest injury risk. This is because they have no protective metal chassis to protect them inside, and unlike motorcyclists or bicyclists (if they are wearing a helmet) typically no protective helmet or means to quickly get out of the way of an impending accident.
As a pedestrian, you have the right to seek monetary compensation for any damages you suffer because of an accidental injury from the party whose negligence caused the accident. This is even true if you were partially at fault for the accident, though your total compensation amount is reduced when this is the case. To learn more about your rights as an injured pedestrian and what you can expect from the personal injury claim process, discuss your case with an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer in West Covina & Claremont. Speak directly to attorney Richard Rohde today by calling us at 626-593-5786, serving the San Gabriel Valley.
A pedestrian accident can cause a victim to suffer a variety of injury types. The injuries a victim suffers and their severity depend on a few factors, such as the speed at which the accident occurred, the nature of the accident, and the pedestrian’s overall fitness level. These injuries include:
These injuries can have long-term complications for the victim, such as depression or anxiety in the months and years following the accident. Other complications include chronic pain, paralysis, nerve damage, and in cases in which the victim suffers a traumatic brain injury, cognitive decline and an increased risk of developing dementia in his or her later years.
Pedestrian accidents have many causes. Often, they are the result of an act of driver negligence, such as:
Pedestrian accidents can also be the result of uneven or poorly maintained pavement, confusing roadway design, and vehicle malfunctions.
In your personal injury claim, you must demonstrate the following:
Your damages can include your short and long-term medical bills, your lost wages, and any additional expenses you face because of the injury. This last category can include your need for psychological counseling to work through the emotional trauma of the injury and your reduced quality of life due to chronic pain.
When you are facing financial difficulty after a pedestrian accident, you can seek compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. Whether you were walking on the sidewalk, crosswalk or in another area of a public space, we can help you today. Although you can pursue a personal injury claim on your own, you are advised to work with an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer in West Covina and Claremont CA who can be your advocate to all courts in Southern California. To learn more, contact Rohde Law Office today at 626-593-5786 to set up your initial consultation with us.
May 2024 - $15.2 Million Settlement - Government claim: SUV versus pedestrian resulting in catastrophic injuries requiring 24 hour care for the rest of client's life, settled for $15,250,000 |