Senior citizens often require a specialist to care of them as they age. They may have medical requirements that necessitate an in-home care taker or nurse, or often they need to live at an assisted living facility or nursing how to ensure they’re properly taken care of in their twilight years. Unfortunately, the elderly are especially vulnerable to abuse at the hands of caretakers, or even family members. Sometimes, the people put in place to take care of them end up taking advantage of them, or even abusing them.
Richard Rohde is an elder abuse attorney in Claremont & West Covina who’s worked with senior citizens and their families throughout San Gabriel Valley and Southern California. Rohde Law Office can help pursue financial damages of those responsible for the neglect or abuse of an elderly person, and help pursue or support the criminal prosecution when applicable.
Elder abuse is an intentional action, or the failure to act by a caregiver that ultimately causes harm to an elderly individual. Elder abuse is most often done by a caretaker, family member or trusted family friend and can include physical, financial and psychological abuse. Dependent adults are defined as those individuals between the ages of 18 to 64 who are under the care and dependent upon others for their care and safe being, typical cases involve adults admitted and under the care of a mental and/or substance abuse facility and/or hospital where direct supervision is required. It’s important to contact attorney Richard Rohde if you are the victim, or family member of a victim of elder abuse.
The National Counsel on Aging reports:
Physical abuse of an elderly person can sometimes be hard to see because the perpetrators will often intentionally try to inflict pain in an inconspicuous area of the body. These individuals also know that an injury, limp or other ailment can easily be explained due to the sometimes accident prone nature of an elderly person. Because of this, it can sometimes be hard to detect.
Financial abuse occurs when a person takes advantage of their place as a trusted person. This often means that they may ask for loans that they’ll never repay, theft or even an unauthorized property transfer. Highland News even recently reported on a business owner taking advantage of a senior citizens.
Psychological abuse can take many forms, and can be extremely difficult to detect and prove. It sometimes involves name calling and cursing, making the elderly individual seem incompetent or inferior, humiliation, ignoring needs, intimidation or purposely making them feel like a burden on their families or others.
Due to our extensive experience in medical injuries, Rohde Law Office is uniquely qualified to take your case. If you or a family member has suffered abuse at the hands of a nursing home, family member or caretaker, it’s critical to contact an experienced elder abuse & nursing home injury attorney. Contact us today at (626) 593-5786 today to schedule a free, no obligation consultation.
Rohde Law Office is located in West Covina and Claremont and we’ve worked with clients involved in a wide variety of incidents which caused injuries. All of our cases are take on contingency, which means that there’s no out-of-pocket costs to you until your case is settled. If we do not win your case, there is no fee.
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